Introducing Webchat, Enhanced Reporting, and More

I hope you’ve had a fantastic start to 2024. I’m excited to introduce you to powerful new features in Luware Nimbus that I’m confident will improve your customer service and get your year off to a great start.

Introducing WebChat

Many customers are more comfortable with written communication. You can now support these customers by offering web chat from a website. Customers can easily contact service lines through your website and initiate a chat that is then routed to the appropriate agent in Luware Nimbus.

Enhanced Reporting With Opening Hours

For many organizations, knowing if a call or task occurred outside of business hours is an important metric to report for accurate billing, accurate record keeping, and to pinpoint potential pain points or inefficiencies in operations.

Previously, this information was not available in Luware Nimbus, but this has been fixed with the latest update. Opening hours are now displayed as a numeric value in OData:

1 – No information
2 – Open
3 – Closed
4 – Holiday
5 – 1 Special
6 – 2 Special
7 – 3 Special
8 – 4 Special

However, please note that our sample PowerBI template currently does not take opening hours into account.

Aggregated User and Service Session Data

To facilitate data transfer with a workforce management system, the latest release includes aggregated user and service session data. This data is aggregated at 15-minute intervals and is accessible through the OData interface to provide real-time insight for improved decision making. Aggregation is not performed on existing historical data.

Wait for Parameter Workflow Activity

A new workflow element, ‘Wait for parameter’ is being rolled out with the latest release. This feature allows you to pause your Luware Nimbus workflows for a certain period so that Power Automate can update the value of a parameter, for example from your CRM system. The element will wait a defined time and play either a TTS you define or a resource you provide (e.g. music).

Luware Nimbus Assistant

The Luware Nimbus Assistant will now distinguish between the availability status for Microsoft Teams and Luware Nimbus, allowing users to quickly differentiate between their different availability statuses. The Luware Nimbus availability status is now displayed in a new banner, making it easily visible. The Microsoft Teams status will be moved to the user icon at the top of the Nimbus Assistant.

Differentiate between the different availability statuses in the Luware Nimbus Assistant.

In addition, you can now easily access a comprehensive list of contact phone numbers within the call on behalf popup. This enhancement ensures that you can confidently connect with the customer using the most appropriate contact number.

Access a comprehensive list of contact phone numbers within the call on behalf popup

Fix Outbound Call Delay

Recent updates from Microsoft have successfully addressed a previously encountered blocker. We were able to resolve the issue that was causing delays at the beginning of “calls on behalf” and “outbound calls”. With these fixes, employees are now immediately connected to the customers they are contacting.

Please be aware that addressing this issue will require additional focus from our operations team. As a result, we will be rolling out this feature in three phases. We will begin the process with the UK cluster, followed by Switzerland a few days later, and the German cluster will be the final phase. I expect the feature to be fully operational in all clusters by January 25 at the latest.

I hope this summary has been informative and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

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