Microsoft & Luware: Strong Collaboration Since Day 1
Their network helped Luware’s founders to present their idea to the Microsoft Development Center and laid the foundation for the collaboration with Microsoft
As a tutor at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Philipp was well connected in the Swiss community for Unified Communications (UC). This network helped Luware’s founders to present their idea to the Microsoft Development Center and laid the foundation for a long-lasting collaboration and connection with Microsoft. The Swiss UC market has always been a tight-knit community. A major player was the Swiss company media-streams, a Voice over IP (VoIP) specialist which had been bought by Microsoft in 2005. In this interview with Philipp Beck, our CEO explains how Luware’s extensive network and especially the connections to those former media-streams employees at Microsoft jump-started Luware’s collaboration with Microsoft.
The connections to the ex-media-streams guys at Microsoft opened the doors for Luware to present their solution at Microsoft’s Development Center in Zurich, Switzerland. The presentation did not go very well for Luware’s founders – their idea of using Microsoft Unified Communication (UC) for customer service was pulled apart. However, the Microsoft guys thought that their idea had potential and that these Swiss guys could pull it off.
Therefore, they connected them with the UCC group at the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, USA. Fast forward 10 years: Today, Luware is a leading market player in the contact center industry and still fosters a strong collaboration and network with Microsoft. We are proud to work together with Microsoft and we value the mutual support in developing Microsoft UC-based customer service software and delivering solutions that meet the market’s needs fast.
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