The Impact of Your SaaS Provider’s Hosting Locations on Your Business


When considering a transition to cloud services, it is essential to evaluate several critical aspects to ensure a seamless and secure migration. One of the

When considering a transition to cloud services, it is essential to evaluate several critical aspects to ensure a seamless and secure migration. One of the most important considerations is the location where your SaaS provider hosts your data. Here are key reasons why data location plays a crucial role. Luware Nimbus-Australian Cluster

Security and Trust

Entrusting your sensitive business information to a third-party vendor necessitates confidence in their ability to keep it secure. The physical and cybersecurity measures implemented at the data center where your data is hosted are paramount. Data centers typically employ robust security protocols, including encryption, access control, and network segmentation, to protect data from breaches and unauthorized access. Please refer to the following links for the most up-to-date information on the Microsoft Azure Data center security:
Data Security
Azure Customer Data Protection Data Privacy
Data Privacy Transparency Note
GDPR Responsible AI

Data Privacy and Compliance

Data protection regulations can vary considerably between different countries. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets strict requirements for data protection and therefore influences how data is processed. Similarly, other regions have their data protection laws, such as the Australian Privacy Act 1988 or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It is therefore crucial for the customer to determine where the data is hosted so that the relevant data protection laws are observed and the trust of your users is maintained.

Operational Efficiency and Latency

The geographical location of data centers can influence the performance of cloud services. Data centers closer to your primary user base can reduce latency and improve the speed and reliability of data access. This is particularly important for applications requiring real-time data processing and low-latency interactions.

New Cluster in Australia

We are committed to offering our customers the flexibility to host their Luware Nimbus tenants in the countries and regions where their users are located. We have already established clusters in Microsoft Azure datacenters in Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Europe (Amsterdam) to serve the European market. We are now excited to announce the addition of a new cluster in Australia, specifically designed to cater to the Asia Pacific region. Effective August 12th 2024, customers will have the option to create their Luware Nimbus tenant within our Australian cluster. This strategic expansion allows customers to store and process their data within the Australian territory. Therefore, customers will benefit from faster data access and reduced latency for their users in the Asia Pacific region, enhancing overall performance and user experience.


Data protection and compliance regulations can differ across European countries, including Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, each with its own unique set of requirements.

The Difficulties of Ensuring Global Compliance

For instance, Germany is known for its stringent data protection laws, which often necessitate higher security standards. When deploying a tenant in Switzerland that encompasses a German branch, it is common practice for customers to apply Germany’s stricter settings to the entire tenant to ensure uniform compliance. To support our customers to address these different regulatory environments on a global scale, a more flexible and adaptable approach is essential.

Luware’s Multihoming Feature

Luware Nimbus' multihoming feature can support customers in their challenge of addressing diverse data protection and compliance regulations across multiple regions. This innovative capability allows you to maintain several tenants in different clusters, each configured with its own privacy settings and data storage locations. By leveraging this feature, you can tailor your solution to meet specific regulatory requirements applicable to you in each country the cluster is located, without sacrificing security or performance. The feature has been introduced to Luware Nimbus back in June 2024, enabling our customers to distribute their Microsoft Tenant across multiple Luware Clusters. This means a customer can initially create a tenant in any cluster and, once established, enable the multihoming feature to create additional tenants in other clusters. For example, a customer can have one tenant in the Swiss cluster with privacy settings tailored for Switzerland and another tenant in any other available cluster applying different settings to comply with local regulations applicable to you. These tenants are physically separated, supporting you in complying with data privacy and compliance regulations.

Activation of the Multihoming Feature

The activation of the multihoming feature takes place in the following steps:
  • Order: Once the initial tenant is created, the multihoming feature can be ordered via Customer Success.
  • Formal approval: A Customer Success Specialist will review the request, provide a Luware Consent Letter to the customer, and discuss the next steps.
  • Signature and activation: The Consent Letter is to be signed by authorized employees of the customer to proceed with enabling multihoming. This ensures that all necessary agreements are in place for a smooth and compliant implementation.


The multihoming capability provides a flexible and robust solution for our customers to manage compliance requirements applicable to them across different jurisdictions, helping you to ensure that operations remain secure and compliant with local data protection laws. Luware remains dedicated to delivering the highest quality cloud services for contact center needs, while helping our customers to ensure data compliance within their business operations. This expansion underscores our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our global customer base and providing robust, localized solutions.

Markus Weisbrod

Product Manager

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