Microsoft Teams Live Chat for Your Website

Engage with Every Customer in Real-Time 

By integrating live (video) chat directly into your website you can be there for your customers in real-time, providing support and assistance instantly, wherever and whenever.

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Benefits of Integrating Live Chat Into Your Website


Luware Nimbus Interact removes all technical barriers between you and your customers. They can easily initiate a text, voice, or video call with your employees or service line on your website. 

Simplify Processes

Streamline workflows and make it easier for customers to get what they need, reducing frustration and saving time.

Increased Sales & Conversion Rates

By removing friction from the buying journey, customers can clarify product details, receive personalized recommendations, and close deals faster with the help of readily available support.

Personalize Customer Experience

Understand individual needs and tailor the customer experience, fostering loyalty and building stronger relationships.




How Does MS Teams Live Chat for Your Website Work?


Luware Nimbus Interact (an add-on for Luware Nimbus) lets customers chat, talk, or video call with your team directly on your website. No downloads needed for them. 

You just add a widget to your website, customers choose chat, voice call, or video call and connect directly with your team on Microsoft Teams.


Would you prefer to experience the live chat feature in action?


Explore MS Teams Live Chat Functionalities in Luware Nimbus Interact


Audio Call, Video Call & Screen Sharing

Instant Messaging

How Your Business Profits from Offering Real-Time, Personalized Support


Here's how offering real-time, personalized support through MS Teams Live Chat can unlock new opportunities for your business, no matter where you specialize in. 

For Digital Advisors

Offer digital advisory services to provide personal consultations online.

For Video Sales

Deliver an immersive and personalized shopping experience online.

For Remote Assistance

Provide immediate remote support and resolve customer issues when and where they occur. 

What Users Are Saying

“We have transformed the ‘physical distance’ created by digital transformation, as well as the changes in customer behavior, into a new form of personal ‘digital proximity’ [with Luware Interact]. Our pioneering decision during the pandemic for the Digital Bank-Shop was right – both employees and customers welcomed the convenient, digital interaction.” 

Axel Schardt Degussa Bank AG

“Luware Nimbus lets us handle all interactions directly in Teams. We never have to leave the platform, which makes call handling super-easy”

Thorsten Stiebig NetCologne IT Services

Ready To Add Live Chat to Your Website?

With Luware Nimbus you can make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and deliver exceptional customer service – all backed by the power of data.