The Luware Nimbus


Not another dull product description.

Product descriptions are often dull. But, as our Account and Partner Manager Christopher Zier has shown us, this doesn't always have to be the case. Read his metaphorical description of our cloud-native customer service suite for Microsoft Teams – Luware Nimbus. The Nimbus moves smoothly and swiftly along all routes in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. The Nimbus autopilot makes sure that every participant reaches their destination quickly and efficiently. Thanks to intelligent routing, The Nimbus can avoid wind-sensitive bridges (SBC), height-controlled tunnels (Federation), and swaying ferries (SIP Trunking), and provide barrier-free, safe, and rapid transport. The Nimbus provides seats for 100 people. Seats can be freely chosen (it is even possible to sit in more than one Nimbus at the same time!). The Nimbus comes in two models - Advanced and Enterprise - with Enterprise offering better all-round sight and control (information systems). The Nimbus cockpit impresses with numerous fully integrated information and assistance systems, which offer a full overview of the traffic inside and outside the city and enable targeted intervention if necessary. A look under the bonnet reveals a very meticulous and sophisticated power unit that has been designed on a microservices basis and is geared towards durability and high operating performance. Fuel consumption is already included in the rental model (no hidden usage-based tolls). Oil changes and inspections are a thing of the past and are carried out automatically when the Nimbus isn’t in operation. The rental model offers individual as well as fleet prices with terms of 12, 24 or 36 months without further surcharges. Numerous assistance systems and built-in safety functions minimize the risk of defects or breakdowns. If the engine doesn’t smoothly, the Luware emergency assistance service is quickly on the spot between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays, and, if desired, also around the clock. The areas of application for Nimbus range from internal traffic on the factory premises, continental scheduled traffic, or long-distance intercontinental routes. Nimbus always has right of way and uses the shortest possible connections. As an extra, an operator desk is available, which can comfortably inform and contact participants across several Nimbuses. The Nimbus series has been on the market since February 2021 and is continuously being improved with upgrades. Nimbus is made in Switzerland and used worldwide. Want to hop on the Nimbus?

Christopher Zier

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