Journey to Nimbus

Your Journey to Nimbus

Out with the old, in with the new – your journey towards a modern contact center starts here. Transition to Luware Nimbus to improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity with seamless communication across all customer touchpoints.

Your Itinerary

First Stop: Envision Workshop

We will look at your contact center requirements and envision your dream setup. We will introduce you to the possibilities of Luware Nimbus and Luware Recording in conjunction with Microsoft Teams using practical examples and show you how we can efficiently solve your use cases.

Download Questionnaire

Second Stop: Planning Workshop

We will analyze your current contact center setup and provide a detailed itinerary of a possible migration journey, including a proposal for migrating workflows and agents to the new solution.

Third Stop: Onboarding

We will install Luware Nimbus in your Teams environment and set up your service with a PSTN and simple workflow.

Fourth Stop: Implementation

We will help you configure your remaining services and help you integrate all your business tools and systems.

How We Ensure A Smooth Journey

Smart Packing

We won’t just take your old processes and wrap them in new technology. Instead, we’ll help you find more efficient ways of solving your use cases.

Careful Planning

We’ll carefully analyze your current setup and come up with a conceptual proposal of how we can migrate your workflows into the new world.

Local Guides

We will provide you with experienced guides that have a wealth of knowledge about contact centers and who will support you on your journey.

Discover Possibility

Sign up for an envision workshop and discover your dream contact center.