Improved Contact Center management

With Luware Nimbus you can centrally manage all your customer touchpoints – from the reception to the contact center. The latest release brings new features and technology upgrades that make the user experience even smoother.

Agent role to manage permissions

Nimbus provides a wealth of reporting information and self-service features that allow users to manage workflows, announcements, and opening hours. To retain control over business operations, it is important to manage permissions for these features.

In Advanced and Enterprise Routing permissions are differentiated between Team owners and Team members. Owners can manage the service and see the full reporting, whilst members are able to take calls and see their personal performance. The Contact Center module is different as it is based on skill-based rather than team-based routing. That means that calls are distributed to agents according to their skills, rather than on their affiliation to a service.

To improve the reporting for the Contact Center, we have added the ‘agent role’, which differentiates between Service Agents and Service Owners. Service Agents can now manually be assigned to services so that their performance is included in the service reporting. They can also see the Contact Center Services in the list and select a service from which to perform an outbound call. Service Owners have permission to set up and change workflows, skill assignments, manage users, etc.

Workflow improvements

To allow you greater freedom in creating seamless and effective customer experiences, we have made some improvements to the workflow editor. For one, you no longer have to repeatedly recreate the same workflows. Existing workflows can now be copied so you can use them as a template for further adjustments.

For organizations with high safety and data compliance regulations, we have also rolled out a new feature that makes it possible to skip the ringing and directly transfer callers to the voicemail of a user. This is a great workaround for companies that don’t want voice messages to be stored on Nimbus.

Outbound call Power Automate trigger

To empower agents to deliver great service it is imperative to give them quick access to the right tools as well as accurate and timely information. This is not only true when agents receive calls, but also when they make calls. That’s why it is now possible to trigger Power Automate on outbound calls. This could be used for example to automatically record outgoing calls or to open the CRM, so agents don’t have to look for customer information themselves.

More updates

• The UI in the Tenant settings pages was upgraded to deliver a better look and performance.
• Improvements were made in the contact search. You can now search for users by their middle name.
• Non-reachable users should no longer receive any “Missed Call” notification spam for the same call and lost calls will be avoided as a result.

Learn more about the Contact Center