Certified as Extended Contact Center Solution for Microsoft Teams

We are excited to share that Luware Nimbus has officially been certified as an Extended Contact Center solution for Microsoft Teams.

Luware Nimbus

Luware Nimbus is our modular customer service suite for Microsoft Teams that was launched in February 2021. It extends Teams functionality for various telephony, call management, and contact center use cases through a range of cloud-native and fully integrated modules and add-ons.

Microsoft Certification Program

Microsoft’s Contact Center Certification program for Microsoft Teams ensures that certified solutions are tested and verified to provide the quality, compatibility, and reliability you would expect from a Microsoft solution.

Solution providers are obliged to reveal the solutions’ technical architecture. Solutions are consequently tested in terms of functionality, use cases, and security. The certification is not just a one-off assurance. Microsoft regularly reviews the contact center solutions in its certification program.

See Luware’s Certification

Connected vs. Extended Contact Center

Microsoft offers two integration models with which solution providers can integrate their Contact Center into Microsoft Teams:

  • Connected Contact Centers are loosely integrated with Teams through basic SIP calls over direct routing. The Microsoft Presence APIs are used to sync the presence status. Certifying a connected contact center means to certify the SIP interface.
  • Extended Contact Centers like Luware Nimbus are tightly integrated with Teams, extending its functionality. Extended contact centers use the full Cloud Communication API which allows them to use native Teams functionality beyond the presence status and simple SIP interface. Due to the much deeper integration of Extended contact centers, the certification process for these solutions is more complex and time-consuming.

Unfortunately, Microsoft does not differentiate between these in their certification documentation. Luware Nimbus is among the first solutions to be certified as an “Extended model.”

Full Steam Ahead

We are pleased that our efforts to build a new contact center solution for Teams from scratch paid off and that we could extend the small circle of certified contact center solutions that integrate into Teams. We thank Microsoft for the great cooperation and help in enabling us to complete this certification process. We are now excited to head into the next stage of the Nimbus journey.

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